Posted inEvents

Bob Ferguson, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee headline 2024 Washington State Democratic Convention gala dinner

Del­e­gates and guests heard from the state’s out­go­ing gov­er­nor and two of its top 2024 can­di­dates: Incum­bent Sen­a­tor Maria Cantwell, who is seek­ing a fifth term, and Attor­ney Gen­er­al Bob Fer­gu­son, who hopes to take over for Inslee as the state’s next gov­er­nor. Lati­na can­di­dates run­ning in the recent­ly recon­fig­ured 14th Dis­trict were also featured. 

Posted inElections

Senator Maria Cantwell maintains comfortable lead over Republican challenger Raul Garcia, NPI poll finds

53% of 615 vot­ers sur­veyed in mid-May by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling said they’d vote for Cantwell for U.S. Sen­ate. 38% said they would vote for Gar­cia, a Yaki­ma doc­tor who has the endorse­ment of the Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty, the Main­stream Repub­li­cans of Wash­ing­ton, and a long list of promi­nent Repub­li­can fig­ures. 9% said they were not sure.

Posted inElections

Mainstream Republicans of Washington unveil endorsements in four 2024 statewide races

The group, which has a long his­to­ry of rep­re­sent­ing the now-shriv­eled rea­son­able wing of the Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty, is back­ing Dave Reichert for Gov­er­nor, Jaime Her­rera Beut­ler for Com­mis­sion­er of Pub­lic Lands, Raul Gar­cia for U.S. Sen­ate, and Chad Magen­danz for Super­in­ten­dent of Pub­lic Instruction. 

Posted inElections

NYT admits its midterms coverage was wrongly wedded to a “red wave” narrative

“Not for the first time, a warped under­stand­ing of the con­tours of a nation­al elec­tion had come to dom­i­nate the views of polit­i­cal oper­a­tives, donors, jour­nal­ists and, in some cas­es, the can­di­dates them­selves,” the sto­ry penned by the trio of Jim Ruten­berg, Ken Bensinger, and Steve Eder acknowledged.